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Common mistakes to avoid for protecting your LED Tv

One of the most inevitable part of life for today’s generation is television. Be it at home or in industries or in cafeteria we can see the LED Televisions. Hence if anything goes wrong with the television we try to find the errors at home instead of contacting the best LED Tv repair centre.

Most common mistake that people often do; they think of an electrician to be the expert TV repair professional. As electricians have limited knowledge like repairing electrical faults. But the best Tv repair service provider in Pune is different. Have skilled and experienced team who are expert in fault fining and repairing. Minor issues in the LED, LCD and Plasma Tv is recognize by expert only. They can provide you desired help. So choosing the best service center is crucial but expert technicians are available here at Kanchan Services. There are some common issues in LED tv as mentioned below.

LED Tv screen goes blank

This issue mostly happens when the backlight burns or suddenly stops working resulting in a blank Led tv screen. To check if the issue is with the backlight do this simple experiment, turn off all the lights and make sure to keep your LED television on. Now turn on flashlight or torch and hold it in front of the screen. If you see the picture in your television then the issue is surely with the backlight.

LED Tv has horizontal Lines

 A bad cable connection that is not fastened properly to the input or output ports can cause disturbing signals. And shows horizontal and vertical lines. In this case check the cable in use if it is plug in correctly at both ends – external device and the tv.

Sound goes off

 Most rare issue just check the audio settings of your Tv. This may seem obvious but make sure that you didn’t kept your Tv on mute or check the volume if it is at zero, This are some DIY methods you can try at home. If this methods does not work then their might be an issue with the internal Tv speakers and the audio IC. Try replacing the IC then your Tv sound may come back. If still the sound is not coming then you need to call an expert technician around you.

Wi-Fi gets disconnected

 If this issue occurs find the cause of this problem. It may be in the router try connecting your mobile phone if it is connecting properly, then check the router and update the firmware of the router. If this trick also does not work then you will have to reset the router and it will surely work.

Hope this blog was helpful for you. for any further assistance Kanchan Services is always available to assist you.

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